HSE News May 2021


MURPHY’s Law and the others …

Science is the Truth. Don’t be fooled by the facts …

Any solution brings new problems …

Anything that is likely to go wrong will go wrong.

First the troubles add up, then they multiply …

If there are at least two ways of doing something and at least one of these ways can lead to disaster, there is bound to be someone somewhere to go down that road.

All possible mistakes have been made. We think about how to make others possible!

  Remy Geoffray presentation on accidentology

All companies suffer serious accidents that deeply destabilize their organizations.

Analyses of these accidents should make it possible to determine their causes, to learn and to share the lessons to be learned in order to prevent their recurrence.

Nevertheless, accidents continue to occur despite an overall improvement in the level of security.

Energy major companies regularly compare their methods, standards and results accumulated over several years in order to continuously improve the safety of their operations. Through this collaborative approach, as well as external audits conducted in accordance with internationally recognized protocols, best practices are identified and shared across the industry.

Although the circumstances surrounding each of the accidents are very different, their severity and the fact that they continue to occur require a detailed ongoing review of the effectiveness of safety procedures and standards in the industry, which are intended to be preventive effective barriers:

These analyses can only be carried out by experts in various fields (safety, operations, inspection, maintenance, process and Human Resources) representing all energy positions, whose mission will be to understand why situations with a high risk potential continue to manifest themselves, and why there are always significant gaps between requirements and actual practices.

The ACP association is able to set up a task force of experts who will be able to carry out this type of mission and also take care of the control loop of the recommendations issued, both in the establishment of prevention barriers and those for mitigation of consequences and protection:

The ACP is also able to train, through specific seminars, Managers at all levels, and to make them aware of the pre-eminent importance of Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Sustainable Development. The field of experience of our experts encompasses all aspects of the Oil, Gas and related activities industry. 





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